PUBLIC NOTICE - Ercanbrack Townhomes


December 30, 2022

RE: A proposed subdivision consisting of approximately 165 residential lots in the Residential Commercial Zone (RC) and the creation of a (approximately) 1.44-acre commercial use area and a (approximately) 4.56 acre commercial/service/warehouse use area located in the Commercial Light Manufacturing (CLM Zone).


Notice is hereby given that the Santaquin City Planning Commission will be holding a public hearing at approximately 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday January 10th, 2023. The meeting will be held in person at the
Court Room/Council Chambers (2nd Floor) 275 W. Main Street.

YouTube Live- Public meetings will be shown live on the Santaquin City YouTube Channel, which can be found at


Fourplex Investment Group is proposing a subdivision located at (approximately) 590 W Main Street. The project includes the creation of a 165-lot residential subdivision on Residential Commercial Zoned (RC) property, the subdivision also includes the creation of an (approximately) 1.44 acer commercial use area, and a (approximately) 4.56 acer area for commercial/service/warehouse use on property located in the Commercial Light Manufacturing (CLM) zone.  


The hearing is an open meeting in which residents will have the opportunity to voice concerns or ask questions about the proposal.  Input received during the public hearing will help the Planning Commission understand potential impacts. If the impacts can be appropriately mitigated, the Planning Commission may recommend conditions to do so.  The proposed plan must be approved if the plan complies with Santaquin City Code. This is the only public hearing that will be held on this request.


If you have questions or concerns about this proposal, please contact the Santaquin City Community Development Department at 801-754-1011.

With the post-pandemic restoration of public gatherings, Santaquin City is pleased to restore pre-pandemic meeting protocols by inviting the public to participate in-person. For those interested in providing public comment, we invite you to sign up on the Public Hearing Speaker Sheet.


Santaquin City Community Development Department

(801) 754-1011


This notice is being sent to property owners within 500 feet of the proposed development in accordance with Santaquin City Code, §10-19-11. If notice given under this Title is not challenged in written form to the City's Appeal Authority within 30 days after the meeting, or action for which notice is given, the notice is considered adequate and proper. Furthermore, if no challenge or protest is filed within 30 days after the meeting, or action for which notice was given, any defect in the notice shall not affect or invalidate any hearing or action by the Planning Commission or City Council.



Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

Proposed pg 1
Proposed zoning