
Format: 2024
Ordinances Table
Ordinance ID Title Adopted Date Attachments
05-01-2020 Ordinance 05-01-2020 - Code Rezone Amendment & Clarification Thu 5/7/20 Link
04-01-2020 Ordinance 04-01-2020 - Car Wash Amendment to Code Tue 4/7/20 Link
04-02-2020 Ordinance 04-02-2020 - Acceptable PUD Ground Cover Tue 4/7/20 Link
04-03-2020 Ordinance 04-03-2020 - 3-Lot's or Less Subdivision Approval Process Tue 4/7/20 Link
03-01-2020 Ordinance 03-01-2020 - Electric Utility Franchise & Utility Easement Amendment (RMP) Tue 3/3/20 Link
02-01-2020 Ordinance 02-01-2020 - Traffic Control Device Requests Tue 2/18/20 Link
12-01-2019 Ordinance 12-01-2019 - Establishment of a Historic Preservation Commission Tue 12/17/19 Link
11-02-2019 Ordinance 11-02-2019 - Ridley Development Rezone from C-1 to MSR Behind Grocery Store Tue 11/19/19 Link
11-03-2019 Ordinance 11-03-2019 - DeGraffenreid Rezone from R-10 to R-8 & MSR Tue 11/19/19 Link
11-04-2019 Ordinance 11-04-2019 - South Valley Holdings Conditional Rezone Time Extension Tue 11/19/19 Link
11-01-2019 Ordinance 11-01-2019 - Amending Council Meeting Location Tue 11/5/19 Link
10-04-2019 Ordinance 10-04-2019 - Prohibition of 4-Axles on Restricted Roads Tue 10/15/19 Link
10-05-2019 Ordinance 10-05-2019 - Senior Citizen Board Repeal Tue 10/15/19 Link
10-02-2019 Ordinance 10-02-2019 - Predetermined Fencing Options in Multi-Family Developments Tue 10/15/19 Link
10-03-2019 Ordinance 10-03-2019 - Approval Process for Secondary Driveways Tue 10/15/19 Link
10-01-2019 Ordinance 10-01-2019 - General Plan Updates to Moderate Income Housing Element Tue 10/1/19 Link
09-02-2019 Ordinance 09-02-2019 - City Code Amendments Related to Access to and from Subdivisions Tue 9/17/19 Link
09-03-2019 Ordinance 09-03-2019 - City Code Amendments - Remove Multi-Family from R-8 Zone Tue 9/17/19 Link
09-01-2019 Ordinance 09-01-2019 - Amendment to City Standards Specifications & Drawings Tue 9/3/19 Link
08-02-2019 Ordinance 08-02-2019 - Amending 08-01-10 Water Dedication Requirements Tue 8/20/19 Link
08-01-2019 Ordinance 08-01-2019 - Fencing in Multi-Family Developments Tue 8/6/19 Link
07-01-2019 Ordinance 07-01-2019 - Development Review Committee Tue 7/2/19 Link
05-03-2019 Ordinance 05-03-2019 - Freestanding Signs Tue 5/21/19 Link
05-04-2019 Ordinance 05-04-2019 - Obligations of Officers and Employees Tue 5/21/19 Link
05-01-2019 Ordinance 05-01-2019 - Records Access and Management - Records Retention Schedule Tue 5/7/19 Link
